Saturday, April 6, 2019

Symbols, Puzzles and codes in The Da Vinci Code

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 Name: Abulhasan H. Aabedi
        Roll no: 01

     · Topic: Dan Brown’s use of Symbols, anagrams, cryptic language and     codes in the novel “The Da Vinci Code”

     · Paper no.13 The Da Vinci Code

     · Class: Semester 04

     · Enrollment no.:2069108420180001

     · Batch: 2017~19

     · Submitted to Department of English MK Bhavnagar University.

Introduction:  The writer of the novel “The Da Vinci Code” Daniel Gerhard Brown is born in June 22, 1964. He is an American author well known for mystery and thriller series of Robert Langdon, “Angel and Demons”, “The Da Vinci Code”, “Inferno”, “The Lost Symbol” and “Origin”. His novels are all about conspiracy theory, symbols, key, cryptography, codes and Art. There are many novels adapted into films like The Da Vinci Code, Angels& Demons, and Inferno. And his books have been translated in 57 languages. Further, his books The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons were highly controversial because of an interpretation of Christianity for instance, interpretation of Marry Magdalene.

About the novel:
The Da Vinci Code is about murder mystery of Jacques Saunier a curator of Louvre museum who shoot by Albino Monk Silas, in which police summon Professor Robert Langdon to reveal the secret of the murder. So, Robert Langdon and the granddaughter of Jaques Saunier, Sophie Neveu interprets the codes and symbols left by Saunier. But Bazu Fache thinks that Langdon is murderer and try to catch him but Sophie rescues him and she understands her grandfather’s intends and it leads them to depository bank of Zurich in which Saunier deposited one cryptic box which is about the map of Holy Grail.
After that Langdon and Neveu visit Sir Leah Teabing a well known religious Historian to take help to decode this cryptic. That time sir Teabing tells about the secret of Holy Grail that she was the wife of Jesus and she was with Jesus at the last supper. Furthermore, they both visit various places to decode this message or code. But later on Teabing cheats Langdon and want to reveal the secret of Marry Magdalene and destroy the faith of Catholic Church. But at the end police arrested Teabing, Sophie got his family and Langdon also reaches to the secret of Holy Grail. So, lastly we can say that the novel is multi narrative, there are many controversies within the story like the controversy of Priory of Sion and Opes dei, Marry Magdalene, Bloodline of Marry, etc.

In the present novel “The Da Vinci Code” Dan Brown used codes, symbols, cryptic language, anagrams, and puzzles to make conspiracy novels into realistic history. He rationalize all these codes and use logically with the help of great professor Robert Langdon, Cryptographer Sophie Neveu and religious historian Leah Teabing. Let’s discuss these all things in details and see how Dan Brown uses this with logical and rational way.

Symbols:  Symbols are objects, Characters, figures or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts.

Chalice:  The Holy Grail: The Holy Grail is an ancient symbol generally known as cup that caught Christ blood. This cup lied on the table of last supper but here Dan Brown uses it as a female figure because it shaped like womb of woman. So, when Langdon goes to Teabing for help that time Teabing explains that Holy Grail is not cup but it is Marry Magdalene who present in the last supper with Jesus.

Pentacle:  Pentacle also is an ancient symbols stand for peace, harmony and cosmic order. Every point of the pentacle has different meaning and these are written round the circle: The all, spirit, the Divine. Intelligence and the Arts. courage and strength and last emotion and intuition. Since ancient times these all been guiding forces for the good of humanity. So, in the novel when Saunier shot by Silas that time Saunier draws this pentacle on his chest with his own blood.

Painting of Monalisa: Da Vinci’s Monalisa is also a one of the clues which Langdon states is an expression of the artist’s belief in the Sacred feminine. Monalisa is not any person, but a cryptic reference to the Egyptian gods Amon and Isis. Mona is an anagram and Lisa a contraction of Isa meaning Isis. In the novel, Professor Robert Langdon reveals secret that Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in opposition to the Churche’s suppression of Mary Magdalene’s true identity.

The Last Supper: The Last Super is used very interestingly symbols by Dan Brown as a major clue in the novel. Brown discovered this symbol and interprets that sitting at Jesus;s right hand is Mary Magdalene, not as is commonly believed, the apostle John. In addition, the Holy Grail a cup from which Jesus drank is a conspiracy left out the painting. Here, Brown rationally weaves medieval legends with high Renaissance art to suggest that Holy Grail which became the subject of endless search by medieval knights was not a cup but marry Magdalene herself, the human vessel for Jesus’ blood line.

Codex: Dan Brown used the Codex in a rational way. The Codex is a manuscript used before 4th century made of papyrus. It is use for secret message that may need to be hastly destroyed as it corrodes easily. Da Vinci also used to write the secret in the Codex.

The Vitruvian Man: It was painted by many artist of the Renaissance and since, this was supposed to show the perfect human dimensions and is indicative of the divine number Phi. In The Da Vinci art, the Vitruvian man represents creative genius, art, music, film, and literature and the Amazing people who created them, their names and creations hidden in anagrams. In the present novel, Jacques Saunier lied down in the shaped of Vitruvian man so, here Brown connects logically to reach secret and through Langdon he tries to decode this art.

Red Hair: Red hair is stand for Holy Blood. In the book Dan Brown used the character of Sophie Neveu as bloodline of Mary Magdalene. Robert Langdon praises her red Hair. So, it is said that Marry Magdalene also had a red hair and it represent the Holy Blood. Hence, Brown rationalizes this symbol to connect Sophie as descendent of Marry Magdalene.

Saunier’s Knight: The Knight sits in the office of Jaques Saunier an ironic symbol used by Brown. Knight is supposed to protect the Holy Grail but this Knight which Teabing has bugged betrays the Grail. So, here Brown connects this Knight with sir Teabing and conveys that all knights are not trusted because like Teabing, people are trustworthy. At first glance Teabing seems good person but when plot moves his identity turn into cheats. Hnce novel says that things are not always what they seem.

Conclusion:  To sum up, we can say that the novel is all about the symbols, codes, cryptic language and anagrams which are used by Dan Brown rationally and logically to interpret Christianity. Dan Brown has great interest in the puzzles and codes from the childhood so he used these all things in the conspiracy novel to read history of Christianity. Interestingly, he used all the things with rationality and logically so people can reread the history of Christianity in different way or we can say alternative story of Christianity.

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