The influential poetry are those words that enter from the ear to.Poetry can provide a mirror for us to see ourselves, and a window into others' experiences. Here are the poetry collections
Friday, June 29, 2018
Nice Urdu Quotes With Beautiful Images
I’ve got my beloved Nice Urdu Quotes, images and messages and refreshed for 2018. Life can be a rough course with common strains. How you view meaningful situations and people through your life is usually a copy of your physical mindset. With a real and powerful attitude, being can be wonderful by all difficulties winnable. With an absent sense, life can be charged with difficulty and pain that
WhatsApp Funny Status in Urdu Laughing Attitude Shayri
WhatsApp funny status in Urdu! getting everybody to have the pleasure and enjoy the importance of everything people are doing accurate now in their memoirs and doing to take satisfaction of life and nature. Because you understand if we (unity) laugh he/she takes a great plenty of real impacts on his/her breath, figure, and effort. We can also make hide or still stop so multiple serious moments
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Muhabbat phir Muhabbat He
Kabhi khamosh betho gi kabhi kuch gun gunao gy
Me itna yaad aaon gi mujhy jitna bhulao gy
Koi Jab poch bethy ga Khamoshi ka sabab Tum se
Boht samjhana chaho gy magar smjha na pao gy
Kabhi dunya mukamal ban ky aay gi Nigahon me
kabhi kami dunya ki har shy may pao gy
khi par bhi rhain hum or tum muhabat phir muhabat he
tumhain hum yaad aay gy humy tum yad ao gy
Me itna yaad aaon gi mujhy jitna bhulao gy
Koi Jab poch bethy ga Khamoshi ka sabab Tum se
Boht samjhana chaho gy magar smjha na pao gy
Kabhi dunya mukamal ban ky aay gi Nigahon me
kabhi kami dunya ki har shy may pao gy
khi par bhi rhain hum or tum muhabat phir muhabat he
tumhain hum yaad aay gy humy tum yad ao gy
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
The Alchemist Novel by Paulo Coelho
What do you know about Santiago?
Santiago is an important character in the action of the story. He opened his eyes in his small-town Andalusia and later becomes a shepherd. He wants to explore the world and somehow he succeeded because of his curiosity towards the natural world.
Who is the king of Salem?
Melchizedek, He met with Santiago in the town Square of Tarifa. He told Santiago about the soul of the immortal world and personal legend.
Where does Santiago meet Englishman? Santiago encountered Englishman on the caravan to Al-Fayoum.
What Englishman wants to study?
Alchemist, that is why he is traveling to Al-Fayoum.
Who gave Santiago the bundle of Books?
The Englishman is the one who has given books to Santiago and he learns a lot from him it also includes Alchemy.
Who is Fatima?
She was living in Al-Fayoum where Santiago met her. On his first meeting, he falls in love with her. he wanted to marry her but she refused his proposal.
Who was the Alchemist?
He was a very powerful Alchemist and also the title figure of the book. he lives in the Oasis of Al-Fayoum. He helps Santiago to reach the destination. He appears to be the faithful disciple of Alchemist.
Who gave Santiago the Job when he was robbed?
The Shopkeeper.
What is "Personal legend" telling us throughout the novel?

What are the themes of the Novel?
What Cobra Symbolizes in the Novel?
Cobra indicates the anger and terror.
What Hawks and Gold Symbolizes?
Hawk symbolizes the feeling of anger and violent behavior while Gold symbolizes a desire to achieve something in life.
What is Soul of World, mentioned in the novel?
It is an abstract power related to spirituality.
How did they find food in the Desert?
Through Hawk Alchemist finds food in the Desert.
Where did Santiago go when he was leaving the Oasis?
To say goodbye to Fatima…
What Profession Santiago wants for him?
Santiago parents wanted him to become Priest but Santiago wanted to be the Shepherd.
According to Alchemist, what is more, ill than hardships?
According to him, Fear of hardships is iller than any other things in the world.
Who was Riding the horse?
How many People were in Caravan?
Two hundred men were gathered and there were four hundred animals with them.
Animal Farm
Who owns the farm?
The owner of Manor Farm is Mr. Jones.
Old Major is Mr. Jones’s old white prize boar. He is highly respected by the other animals.
Old Major has a dream about a world where man has disappeared.
What does Old Major suggest that the animals do?
According to Old major animals must rebel against the Mr Jones and other human masters.What is “Beasts of England”?
it is a song that Old Major learned in childhood. The other fellows animals learned it quickly.
What decision is reached about wild animals?
The animals vote that wild animals should be considered “comrades.”
Old Major dies three days after his speech.
What does Squealer explain about the milk and apples?He explains that pigs need vitamins in the milk and apples for the work.
What does Squealer explain about the milk and apples?He explains that pigs need vitamins in the milk and apples for the work.
Who leads the preparations for the rebellion?Napoleon and Snowball,are the pigs who lead the farm for the rebellion.
Who is Squealer?Squealer is a very persuasive pig.
Who is Squealer?Squealer is a very persuasive pig.
What is Animalism?
It is a theory that the pigs takes from Old Major’s speech. Why don’t the pigs like Moses?Moses was not likable by the pigs because his talk of Sugarcandy Mountain distracts the animals from the need for rebellion.
Why does Mollie seem concerned about Animalism?She was afraid of not getting the hair ribbons after the rebellion.That is why Mollie concerned about Animalism.
Why does Mollie seem concerned about Animalism?She was afraid of not getting the hair ribbons after the rebellion.That is why Mollie concerned about Animalism.
What prompts the rebellion?It was Mr.jones whom bad habits towards animals lead them to rebellion.
What have the pigs secretly learned to do?The pigs reveal that they have taught themselves to read and write
What happens to the milk from the cows?
It is implied that Napoleon stole the milk.
What is different about this year’s harvest?This year the animals have the largest harvest yet, and they also finish it faster than normal.
What does Boxer adopt as his motto?Boxer adopts “I will work harder!” as his personal motto.
What do the animals do on Sundays?On Sundays, the animals don’t work and instead hold farm-wide meetings to debate and vote on new resolutions.
Do Snowball and Napoleon get along?Snowball and Napoleon disagree on almost everything.
Why don’t any animals except pigs submit resolutions for debate?
Only the pigs are smart enough to come up with new resolutions.
Only the pigs are smart enough to come up with new resolutions.
What does Snowball want to focus on at the farm?He wants to educate the animals and putting them into committees.
What does Napoleon want to focus on?Napoleon thinks the pigs should focus on the education of the young.
What does Napoleon want to focus on?Napoleon thinks the pigs should focus on the education of the young.
What happens to Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies?One of the pig called Napoleaon takes both of them to a secret loft, and everyone soon forgets about them.
What has been happening to the milk?It is revealed that the milk is being mixed in with the pigs’ mash.
Crow Eaters
The Author explains that it is an expression for someone who talks too much.
What according to Sidhwa Burka Represent?
Sidhwa uses the Burka as the ultimate symbol of Shadow and silence.
What is the story of the novel?
The novel describes the social class of a Parsi family. The novel also shows the ambivalent attitude of the Parsi in the independence represents the family conflicts in a comic way.
What Mystic said about Freddy?
When Freddy came before the mystic, the mystic greeted him by saying him a murderer. Freddy was not ready for such a greeting.
Who has given the name of ‘Tower of Silence’?
It was the name of graveyard where Persis would leave their dead. the British romanticized this strange graveyard with the title ‘Tower of Silence’.
Who was insurance officer?
Mr.Dinshaw Adenwalla.
What is the name of Freddy Clerk?
Harilal, is the clerk of Freddy who informed about the fire on Freddy house.
According to Mr.Adenwalla what kind of insurance policies are?
it was to be proved that the fire was accidental.
Who was Mr. Gibbons?
He was the deputy superintendent of Police.
What were the traditional Practice of Marriage in Persi Community?
In Persis it was a traditional practice that when a boy or a girl wanted to convey their desire of marrying, they would add salt to the drinking water.
Who is Mr. katrak?
He is a diamond merchant from Karachi.
What was the janam Patri made by Gopal Krishan?
According to janam Patri Freddy would be blessed with seven children. He was troubled by an older woman. Fire would always benefit him. He would make a lot money. But his eldest son would die before completing his twenty-one years.
How many letters did Freddy received?
Freddy received two letters in his personal mail. First was letter from Mr. katrak agreeing on the marriage of Booby and Yasmin.
What is Tanya Nickname?
She is called Tim, she is the daughter of Sir Nosherwan and her mother is Rudabui.
How many Families were living In Lahore?
The Toddywallas, The Bankwallas,The Bottliwallas, The Chaiwallas.
Write a short note on Bapsi’s biography.
Bapsi Sidhwa has been called Pakistan ‘s leading English-language novelist.She was Born in Karachi in year 1938, in 1983 , she moved to the United States .Her first three novels ,Ice-Candy-Man,The Bride, The Crow Eaters.
What are the major themes of Post-modernism?
Post-modernism is a very complex phenomenon. The major themes of this dimension include disintegration, deconstruction, cultural studies, multiculturalism and feminism and many others like these.
What is post-colonial literature?
It is concerned with the political and cultural independence of people who lived in colonial empires, and the literary expression of postcolonialism.
Write a short note on the fictional technique of Bapsi Sidhwa.
Bapsi Sidhwa’s fiction deals with both the pre-and post-colonial period of the subcontinent. Her fiction not only brings to life the horror of the Partition but also vividly portrays the complexities of life in the subcontinent after independence.
Discuss the major features of Bapsi Sidhwa as a writer of novel.
Discuss the major features of Bapsi Sidhwa as a writer of novel.
Bapsi Sidhwa has emerged as a leading woman novelist writing in English from Pakistan. In her novels, she shows her concern about her Pakistani roots, culture and the treatment of recent history i.e., Partition. Being a Parsi, she also introduces her Parsi community in her novels. She has a distinctive Parsi ethos in her novels along with her individual voice.
Discuss Bapsi Sidhwa as a realist.
Bapsi Sidhwa is a realist to the core. She does not romanticize situations and characters in her narratives. Her novels also provide an interesting and realistic socio-cultural background of her community. She introduces her Parsi character without any distortion or exaggeration. They are true to their colors. Her portrayal of Parsi Characters in her novels is in fact a part of her quest for the continuation of her Parsi identity.
What is Bapsi’s attitude towards Pakistanism?
The way Sidhwa defends Pakistan, Muslims and Islam, by urging the world to study the causes that lead people to terrorism out of sheer desperation and not by choice or because it is ordained by religion, is the most human and objective argument advanced to address the issue. “And the Americans — the public, students and academics — that I have spoken to on the subject have been extremely forthcoming and understanding,” she says glowing with hope. “There has got to be an end to the madness of hate and revenge seeking — sentiments that politicians everywhere stoke to gain political mileage, and America is no exception.”
Lord of the Flies
Why were the reasons author use British schoolboys in novel?
Golding was British. He probably used British schoolboys to illustrate how even boy who have been brought up in a world of rules, regulations and the classics, who are the very epitome of civilization, can quickly revert to "savagery" if the right situation arises. He excluded girls because, in his own words, he did not want "sex to rear its ugly head".
What are the major themes of 'Lord of the Flies'?
Civilization vs. savagery, individualism vs. community, man vs. Nature, speech and silence, rules and orders, loss of innocence, the nature of evil, dehumanization of relationships, the negative consequences of war, and effects of fear are the major themes of "Lord of Flies".
How do the boys happen to come to the island?
The boys are from Military School Britain. The time seems like World War II. They are being evacuated somewhere by a plane. Their plane crashes but they survive and happen to come to the island.
What is the role of religion in the lives of the boys?
Simon is a Christ like figure and other boys are devils. Like a religious person, Simon looks into his own heart and accepts that there is a beast within, and face it squarely. There is almost no role of religion in the lives of other boys who kill Simon.
What is the purpose of the expedition of Jack, Ralph and Simon?
There are two expeditions of Jack, Ralph and Simon. The purpose of first expedition in Chapter I is to find out if the land is actually an island. On the second expedition, the mission is to find the beast that Sam and Eric spotted.
What role does the conch play in 'Lord of the Flies'?
The conch is a symbol of social order, respect, decency and power. When the boys hold meetings around the camp fire, only the speaker who is holding the conch may address the crowd. The leader with the conch is respected by the group.
Write the names of four novels of William Golding.
The major novels of William Golding are; Lord of Flies, The Inheritors, Pincher Martin, Free Fall, The Spire, The Pyramid, The Scorpion God, Darkness Visible, The Paper Men, To the Ends of the Earth, Rites of Passage, Close Quarters, Fire Down Below, The Double Tongue.
What is the setting of 'Lord of the Flies'?
Lord of the Flies" takes place on an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean probably in 1950. This island is tropical and has a jungle and beaches, and a mountain. Throughout the book, the setting is in different parts of the island.
What is the significance of the title 'Lord of the Flies'?
Lord" is a word of power, and "Flies" connote death and decay. So "Lord of the Flies" is a power of corruption, decay and death. "Lord of the Flies" is also the popular translation of Beelzebub, who is either a demon or the devil himself. Simon calls the severed pig's head "Lord of the Flies" because he sees it as a manifestation of the boy's nature -- and possibly his own.
How and why do the boys make fire?
Boys gather woods and make fire by using Piggy's glasses. They think that this fire may draw the attention of a plane or passing ship, and in turn, help facilitate their rescue.
What is the Lord of the Flies?
Lord" is a word of power, and "Flies" connote death and decay. So "Lord of the Flies" is a power of corruption, decay and death. "Lord of the Flies" is also the popular translation of Beelzebub, who is either a demon or the devil himself. Simon calls the severed pig's head "Lord of the Flies" because he sees it as a manifestation of the boy's nature -- and possibly his own.
Interpret 'The head is for the beast. It's a gift'.
This line is from Chapter 8 in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. This line is spoken by Jack. Jack and his hunters sharpen a stick at both ends and place the dismembered head of a pig on it as a kind of offering for the imaginary beast. It also shows boys' lust for blood.
Interpret 'Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood'.
It symbolizes the loss of reason and blind emotion. When boys get involved in it, nothing seems real, they lose their grip on reality.
What does the dead parachutist symbolize?
The dead parachutist symbolizes; the civilization from which the boys have been cut off, a link to the adult world, the lack of adult supervision on the island, the lack of order on the island, the essence of the beast and the lord of the flies, savagery and evil in action.
Why does the boys' plan for rescue fail?
Who is the Lord of the Flies in the book?
The head speaks to Simon in the voice of the “Lord of the Flies,” ominously declaring that Simon will never be able to escape him, for he lies within all human beings. He also promises to have some “fun” with Simon. People fear the beast because it exists within each of them.
Why did the plane crash in the Lord of the Flies?
Because a nuclear war is in progress.Piggy explains that the plane they were on was attacked.
What is Simon a symbol of Lord of the Flies?
There are many important symbols in the novel,Jack signifies savagery and dictatorship,Piggy represents intellect and rationalism,Ralph stands for civilization and democracy;While Simon is the incarnation of goodness and saintliness. How is Simon killed in the Lord of the Flies?
Simon learns that the beast is a dead pilot When he tries to bring his new knowledge to the other boys, he is murdered by them in a ritualistic style.
What is the scar on the island in Lord of the Flies?
The Scar Symbol Analysis. A rip in the forest caused by the crash landing of the boys' plane on the island. The scar symbolizes that man, and his savage nature, destroys paradise merely by entering it.
What is Ralph's dad in Lord of the Flies?
His father is commander in the navy.
Where is Piggy from in Lord of the Flies?
Piggy is a fat,who has asthma; he is the only one who knows how to correctly pronounce asthma.
Who is Simon in the Lord of the Flies?
He is very kind toward the younger children, and he is the first to realize the problem related to the beast.His stature symbolizes Jesus.
What is the signal fire symbolizes?
The fire in the novel symbolizes hope of rescue.
What is Rogers significance in Lord of the Flies?
Roger symbolizes the evil and has cruel motives ,who enjoys hurting others.
How does Simon die in the Lord of the Flies?
He is killed by the boys mistakenly.
What is the time period of the novel Lord of the Flies?
The setting of Lord of the Flies is a deserted tropical island in the South Pacific during a war. The exact time period is unknown, some cite it as the near future others as World War II. Other specific places on the island include the beach by the lagoon, which acts as the boys' home.
What is a creeper in the Lord of the Flies?
The creepers in lord of the flies are actually vines that grow all over the island.
What is the symbolism of the island in Lord of the Flies?
The symbols of the island, the ocean, the conch shell, Piggy's glasses, and the Lord of the Flies, or the Beast, represent central ideas that reinforce the main theme of the novel. In using symbols, writers are able to convey ideas that have greater meaning than the object itself may possess.
What does Jack symbolize in the book Lord of the Flies?
Jack represents unbridled savagery and the desire for power.
What are Sam and Eric like?
They are always closely allied with Ralph. they are always together, other boys ,calling them Samneric.
How is the Lord of the Flies an allegory?
It is a story with a symbolic level of meaning, where the characters and setting symbolizes political systems, religious figures.
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