tanhai hai bheer main naa janai kab visaal ho,
faaslain jo mitt jain tou yeh saal kamal ho,
sharam bhi aik ada hai, jalwa hai husn walo ka,
kya khoob jab jhuki hoi nazar main bhi sawal ho,
woh kehte hain muhabbat aur ghum ka rasta hai aik,
dil-e-nadan jante ho unka andaaz phir kyu behaal ho,
wohi zindagi ki udasi, wohi ghum, wohi akelapan,
khair mubarrak tumko tumhara naya saal ho,
I am alone in a crowd, unaware of when we will meet,
if only distances were to disappear, what a great year it would be,
modesty is itself a charm, a trait of the beautiful,
what greatness when lowered gazes can ask questions,
they say with love comes pain, the same path the two have,
you know how their manner is, then why oh heart do you ache,
it is the same life, the same sorrow, same loneliness,
anyways, congratulations on your new year to you!
- Hassan Bin Fahim
The influential poetry are those words that enter from the ear to.Poetry can provide a mirror for us to see ourselves, and a window into others' experiences. Here are the poetry collections
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 28, 2015
“The Swamp Dweller” - Wole Soyinka.

The Swamp dweller
Wole Soyinka was written in great play “The Swamp Dweller” in 1958. In this play we see that old and young generation gap. How the village people minds are constructed and young are gone to the city. Wole Soyinka is placed in a backward village of Nigeria in the Delta region. But the characters of the play often have important interactions with the town life.

We can say that the villages people are leave them. And there are told to his a child was not gone to city. Because of that their religious, politics economy, environment, civilization and reality of society it’s became bad and not cultured one. The swamp Dweller in the word ‘Swamp’ was may be mud and village area. The Swamp was ‘loss of self’. The swamp as land. It is connected to native land. There are want way to other land. It is concept of colonial and post colonial thinks. The protagonist of the play in Igwezu was gone to city for his wife Desala. His parent was unhappy and said that to leave in village and caring to their heritage, tradition, culture etc. Makuri was father of twin children Igwezuand Awechike. His both son went to city at only for money and leave there. We see in the play how Igwezu struggle a lot. But in the play how the beggar waits to Igwezu only for one message to their life. African myth in this play. The beggar was African god. He was talk to the Beggar. Here we see that the blind Beggar was god may be. Moreover, Makuri and Alu go to city and taking to them. Their son thought that city and industrial life was good and development of his economy. Alu thought that her son came back to village just only for wish; she was nagging woman only for her husband goes to swamp. While arguing with her husband. Alu speaks that “she wants to lose her son in the hell means city”.
We see that Awechike also goes that but he was dying. Alu as mother was sad and city effect of their family. So here we can say that colonial people thought that and black as colonizer leave life to city life people. Makuri and Alu lose their son and how societies represent life of Igwezu family. But Igwezu was seeing in life village bad, struggle and how city as globalized, economy and evil thinks to them. Alu is truth; we except to this truth and fail in her life. We can say that city was temptation of younger people life. In city while be not to hand as nothing. There is a different standard for harassment of boy and girl. A girl always harassment physically and the boy always has to face abusement. So that Alu fears that the city in May she lost her second son. That’s why she anger and sad to her husband.

Here we see that city life and village life are different. There leaving life was gap and realities of city people have been different. They are victim of spiritual and also emotional parent. Igwezu was leave to city but not happy. How society has nothing to do in this characters life. Societies remain passive and Soyinka was imagination of Swamp. May be post colonial thinks that Swamp was national disorder and infertile, waste land. There are in nothing should be grown. In the play we see that Death of Awechike. It was symbol of society and city life affects them.
Wole Soyinka asks to question that actually where is swamp? We personalize the modernity and tradition the where is “Swamp”? So we see that our culture is hybrid, and city in globalization, industries, development corruptions and family relations are broken down. Modernity was connected to city, and tradition was connected to village.
Modernity and tradition of both characters life affect them. Tradition was social, cultural and conventional them. Igwezu was individual and complex phenomenon of modernity. Awechike was thought to modern thinks. But in other side we see that Igwezu was both tradition and modernity in his behaves. Here Wole Soyinka says that “Nothing rescues man from loss of self within this abyss but a titanic resolution of the will”. As it is the Blind beggar thought in end to meet Igwezu. And how they represent god and help them to Igwezu. We see that Igwezu should continue to depend on the serpent for salvation in spite of the interminable calamites that contort. So we can say that ‘The Swamp’ the city is the result of colonial, capitalism, industrialization the shift from tradition to Modernity.
The scarlet letter by Hawthorne.

The scarlet letter
As we study about to American literature in ‘The scarlet letter’ written by Hawthorne in 1985 in Salem, Massachusetts. In this novel we see that Hester Prynne was protagonist. The Scarlet Letter opens with a long preamble about how the book came to be written. The nameless narrator was the surveyor of the customhouse in Salem, Massachusetts. In this novel we see that author personal experience and reality of American society. How utopian society punish to this woman only for illegitimate child. No fault of woman but how religious and rule of utopian ideas in her was sinner. Hester Prynne, is led from the town prison with her infant daughter, Pearl, in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” on her breast. A man in the crowd tells an elderly onlooker that Hester is being punished for adultery. Hester’s husband as chillingworth scholar much older than she is, sent her ahead to America, but he never arrived in Boston. The consensus is that he has been lost at sea. While waiting for her husband, Hester has apparently had an affair, as she has given birth to a child. She will not reveal her lover’s identity.
The scarlet letter along with her public shaming is her punishment for her sin and her secrecy. On this day Hester is led to the town scaffold and harangued by the town fathers, but she again refuses to identify her child’s father. As we see that Hawthorne has narrated to this novel it’s became mystery and also old costume house manuscript has to in Salem at time he lost his job. Hester was sinner and crime that to love Dimmesdale. But he was religious and blind follower to puritan society. We know that mother and daughter leave together in Boston in near to nature, as only for Dimmesdale favors them. Dimmesdale appears to be wasting away and suffers from mysterious heart trouble, seemingly caused by psychological distress. Chillingworth attaches himself to the ailing minister and eventually moves in with him so that he can provide his patient with round-the-clock care. Chillingworth also suspects that there may be a connection between the minister’s torments and Hester’s secret, and he begins to test Dimmesdale to see what he can learn. At that time society has to punish Hester only for her mysterious lover Dimmesdale.
“Speak Women! Said another voice coldly and sternly, proceeding from the crowd about the scaffold ‘Speak’ and give your child a father!”

In puritan ideas Hester at standing to scaffold and society had given mark at the scarlet letter in her breast “A”. It is adultery and angel. We see that Hester was may be saintly figures and just she love and care of her daughter pear. May be at that time pear has responsible to Hester situation.
Here we found that Hester has leave and goes to nature at forest. In narrative want way chillingworth was death. The former lovers decide to flee to Europe, where they can live with Pearl as a family. And if her daughter pear grown that and married to aristocratic person. And leave that to England ad she was happy that. At that time Hester was die and both lover grave stay together to near them and mark to “A”. She is buried next to Dimmesdale. The two share a single tombstone, which bears a scarlet “A.”

As we know that Hester and Dimmesdale characters are different and how Hawthorne given ideas about to this two person. In the novel women are free and individual but society remain that it is evil to society. They are not accepted that. Male characters are bad and his psyche of mind and blind follower of society and its main that conscious of reality. When narrative goes that Chillingworth and Dimmesdale have evil at nature.
Hester was sin to born her child just only for identity of her lover. In narrative that puritan society has not individual but at rigid and harassment of woman identity and their life also. Though out of the novel Dimmesdale not accepted his lover but at love of his child pear. Both lover love story has unfinished. But we see that how puritan society punishment has to mark given to both lover “A”, at end that grave reunite to scarlet letter red embroidery “A”.
The Purpose by T.P.Kailasam in Center Periphery.

The Purpose by T.P.Kailasam
We study about Indian writing in English to Indian writer like T.P.Kailasam. He was written at different and post colonial thinks in portrayed Ekalavya character. The Purpose by T. P. Kailasam is a drama in two acts. The story is based on Adiparva from ‘The Mahabharata”. As we see that in the story how Kailasam given margin and criticize to Arjun and Dhrona Characters. The story moves around Ekalavya and Arjun and their purpose behind learning archery. Both want to learn archery from the great Dronacharya. But we see post colonial thinks in Ekalavya characters are center and periphery to Ajuna’s character. When the story goes that ancient time in only for Brahmins teaching to Shatriya, not any other caste person. Ekalavya was lower caste person and he was learning to Dronacharya. He was teaching to great Raja and his sons.

We see in the story of Ekalavya that Dronacharya teaches archery to Arjuna but cannot accept Ekalavya proposal because of his promise to Arjuna. Arjuna wants to become the great archer of the world. And Ekalavya explains that he wants to learn archery to save lives of innocent animals. Arjuna’s purpose behind learning archery is self centered while Ekalavya purpose is noble.

But we see that Ekalavya purpose was diffenrt to Arjuna and how Kailasam given image to Drona was bad teacher and only selfish to his economy, politics and love of Arjuna. We see in the 2nd act Ekalavya is far ahead than Arjuna in archery. In anger Arjuna says that he will tell everyone that Guru Drona has not kept his vow. To save his Guru from social criticism Ekalavya gives his thumb as gurudakshina. After giving his thumb in gurudakshina Ekalavya realizes that his purpose behind learning archery was to save lives of innocent animals but now he cannot look into the eyes of the animals. The drama ends with Ekalavya crying. How we see colonial thinks in Ekalavya was center and how his voice against to society. The readers are looking at one story from different perspectives and that are of the writers.

Kailasam created truths in their individual perspectives. Their individual perspectives are contradictory. The Mahabharata is the story of kings and prices and in The Purpose T. P. Kailasam has given voice to a marginalized. Kailasam has given different point of view and he was center in The Purpose but The Mahabharata marginalized character and Arjuna becomes hero and center to tem. When time goes ahead Kailasam portrayed post colonial thinks and subaltern can voice to society. In this story we see to Ekalavya was hero and only for fault of Dronacharya.
So we can say that post colonial thinks and center became periphery and periphery became center in the story. We cannot prove Ved Vyasa right and T. P. Kailasam wrong. So the reality presented by the writers is just their individual perspective not the truth.
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe in post colonial thinks.

Robinson Crusoe
As we study about to neo classical age in numerable novelist in Daniel Defoe was first. Daniel Defoewas wrote “Robinson Crusoe”. He was protagonist and how wants to island. He was white man, at that time we see that in the novel white man ruling in Unknown Island. He was advocate but at time he chooses to goes to island and journey of them. In narrative want way Crusoe was white and how his mind constructed that richness and island became his home and something oneself. He was aligned himself with other planters and undertook a trip to Africa in order to bring back a shipload of slaves. After surviving a storm, Crusoe and the others were shipwrecked. After spending about fifteen years on the island, Crusoe found a man's naked footprint, and he was sorely beset by apprehensions, which kept him awake many nights.

We see that He was thrown upon shore only to discover that he was the sole survivor of the wreck. As we see that post colonial studies in how white man think to Blackman. In this novel we see that colonial people have ruling and evil to African people. We see that in the novel, Crusoe was slave to cannibals landed on the island and a victim escaped to Friday life. Robinson Crusoe was colonial and how he given to his language and identity to Friday. Friday was innocent person. He has no language, clothes, identity, family and land. He was nothing to do that. Crusoe also undertook Friday's religious education, converting the savage into a Protestant But see to postcolonial thought in Friday was not language. In looking to different thinks Robinson was given to identity and language to Friday. Crusoe was teaching to language of Friday and how to behave in life of manner to given by him.

How Crusoe given identity to Friday and zury. Both leave in African island. Crusoe’s self-image and individualism. Here not to society but Friday and Crusoe relationships are good them. Friday character was marginalized in the novel. He was leave in ancient time but how colonial came and ruling that you are black people and slave of them. At time Defoe has given cultural and imperial civilization to this land. Crusoe was thought this land and economic of this island it may his own. But in look at to that their leaving native people has unknown of that. There have no any language and identity. That’s why we see that Defoe imagination of Crusoe life and land should be became his own. It was that post colonial thinks. White man thought to black man. There are slave and his identity are unknown.
So we can say that Defoe give view image of white man are economist and imperial to black people and country. Defoe deals with the growth and development of individual in solitude. He tried to create the utopian environment in the absence of society.
Robert Frost’s selected poem

Robert Frost’s selected poem
Frost has nature poet, his poem in sweetness of native land, tree, journey of men life, seasons, leaves, birds, water, stream, jungle, farm, forest etc portrayed them. We not see that Wordsworth poem in nature, emotions, feeling and sensitive, but we see that collage of images and how human life at connected to nature and one massages gives them his most of the end in poem and as we say that he is nature poet. so now we explain to frost poem.
· Fire and ice
In this poem we see that someone people say that the world will be end to fire and ice. We can gives our desire or hate are complicated them and Fire and ice are, after all, the inextricable complementarities of one apocalyptic vision in world.
And we can think that it discusses the end of the world like the elements force of fire with the emotional desire, and other sides ice with our hate them.
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
Some say in ice.
In poem has to gives two kinds of thought and also we can argues that Robert frost desire and hate, has to his own experience in this poem. We see that in the poem style and structure watch that frost gives singular “I” has poet himself, and it is written in single sentence. The poem’s meter is an irregular mix of iambic tetrameter and rhyme schemes are irregular. In the poem ‘Is also great, and would suffice’ -it means that poet himself is confused and his own life experience of the world has to gives ideas to Fire and ice.
· Stopping by woods
In this poem we see that frost gives image of forest. He was goes them and near by the beauty of world. How snow evening in some woods are lovely, dark and deeps. Frost claimed that he wrote it in a single nighttime sitting. They make a strong claim to be the most celebrated instance of repetition in English poetry. The first “And miles to go before I sleep”. In the poem something should be good or bad happens that. We see that narrator himself was near to nature but may some fear.

And how frost gives reality of civilization, society, religious, responsibility, duty of them. They are restful, seductive, lovely, dark, and deep. Not that we must return too often to that darkest interpretation of the poem. Beauty alone is a sufficient siren; a sufficient protection against her seduction is an unwillingness to give up on society despite the responsibilities it imposes. In this poem main themes like that:
§ Youth and the Loss of Innocence
§ good and evil
§ Self-Knowledge Through Nature
§ community and isolation
· Mending wall
In the poem, we see that neighbor and poet himself built to wall. Just only for their relations are good. When you create a wall the inside and outside relationships are better. The poet became modern thinking and the neighbor was old mindset.
So he believes that to build to wall and may wall to great thought in their leave life and meet together only for preparing wall. Whenever you meet they talk about to wall. They never remove the wall. Because of that: “Good fences makes good neighbor”.
· Gift outright
The poem famous for having been read by author at P.M. Kennedy’s argument on 1961. In poem relationship of America and problem of other country land. It is 16 iambic pentameters. “The land was ours before we were the land”. He explain that history and political the formations of American country. The ‘gift’ title itself problematic and American could not be accept without surrender to it. The land gave itself to its citizen while America was still a British colony.

So that its people did not process. It but merely inhabited it. In P.M. speak to native land he said to ‘Her people’ it means to American. The poem title gift to be earned by both sides before becoming a gift an “Outright”.
· Design
Frost “Design” is a meditation on human attempts to see in the universal and human failure at perceiving the order that is actually present in nature. The speaker says that perceives what he takes to be a significant coincident. And the speculates can see that Design of nature that it implies is quite different from anything he suggests.

A white spider sits on a white flower holding up a white moth. Here it is ‘white’ something should not true, honest, good and pure, peace. It is something should be bad and evil. In the poem white spider has dangers and white moth die. It may be spider eating to moth. Moth becomes victim. Whiteness should be evil, dark and not to light in them. It may be that nature design has something bad.
· Home burial
The poem in two characters like husband and wife. Both are unhappy only for his child die. A woman is passive. And the man is taking more compared to women it is practical. In poem wife has lose his first child as son. She told to his husband that she suffocated this house. And she was sad and upset. She wanted leave the house.
We will find man is more practical may be it is easy for man to be accepting his child was dying. Wife was standing to widow and see his child grave. But for women it is not that much easy she says that “mother loss of a first child”. We find the man as (Father, Husband) is powerful than women.
So we see that frost poem in Nature was center. Most of poem in evil and good as to be problems create them. Frost gives image of realism, relationships, naturalism, beauty etc.
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